The CORNISH team is drawn from 14 institutions worldwide. The University of Leeds and the University of Manchester (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics) are responsible for the processing of the raw data into images and catalogues. The following people make up the team:

University of Leeds Melvin Hoare (PI) Massive star formation, plane surveys.
Cormac Purcell Data processing, catalogue & database creation, massive star formation.
Stuart Lumsden Massive star formation, survey astronomy.
Rene Oudmaijer Massive star formation, Herbig AeBe stars.
James Urquhart Massive star formation, triggering, databases.
University of Manchester Phil Diamond (PI) Radio observations, catalogue integrity.
Gary Fuller Massive star formation.
Simon Garrington Radio techniques, radio stars.
Tom Muxlow Radio techniques, reference frames.
Steve Smethurst Pilot study observations.
Alastair Gunn Active stars.
Ralph Spencer Active binaries.
Albert Zijlstra Planetary and proto-planetary nebulae.
Anita Richards VO interface.
NRAO Bill Cotton Radio surveys.
Claire Chandler Star formation, AOC interface.
Debra Shepherd Massive star formation, AOC interface.
University of Wisconsin Ed Churchwell Massive star formation, GLIMPSE interface.
UNAM Stan Kurtz Massive star formation, UCHII regions.
University of Maryland Lee Mundy Star formation, mm follow-up.
Cornell University Paul Goldsmith Star formation, methanol maser interface.
Jagadeep Pandian Star formation, methanol maser interface.
Boston University Jim Jackson Star formation, CO survey interface.
Ronak Shah Star formation, CO survey interface.
Liverpool JMU Toby Moore Star formation, JCMT survey interface.
Larry Morgan Star formation.
Luke Hindson Star formation.
DRAO Sean Doherty WR stars, Be stars.
University of Hertfordshire Tim Gledhill Planetary and proto-planetary nebulae.
University of Southampton Rob Fender Active binaries.
University of Barcelona Josep Paredes Active binaries, gamma ray interface.
University of Jaen Josep Marti Active binaries, gamma ray interface.